Tedeschi is one of the historical estates of Valpolicella.
The production area of Valpolicella is very large. Its registered vineyards nowadays cover approx. 7,000 hectares. It is bordered to the north by the Lessini mountains, to the south by the Veronese plain, to the east by the Soave area and to the west by the Adige river. The region is divided into three areas: Valpolicella classica (to the north-west of Verona), Valpantena (a narrow strip of vineyards to the north of Verona) and East Valpolicella (to the east of Verona, partly overlapping the DOC Soave area). The estate is located both in Valpolicella classica and in East Valpolicella.
The Tedeschis’ vineyards in Valpolicella classica are located in Pedemonte and in the municipalities of Sant’Ambrogio and Fumane. The Monte Olmi vineyard is located in Pedemonte. It was one of the very first single-vineyard wines in the area and is nowadays well-known all over the world. The vineyard covers approx. 2.5 hectares and is grown on terraces sustained by drystone walls.